Kathy Fields

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Kathy Fields’ Gen G Pickleball: Embracing the Sport for Stylish, Active, Fashionable Women in High Heels

by | Mar 28, 2024 | California, Health, KathyFields, Pickleball, WestCoast | 9 comments

“Pickleball is not just a game; it’s a lifestyle. It’s a way of embracing fun, fitness, and fashion all in one.” – Kathy Fields

Welcome to a world where pickleball meets fashion, where active women can express their style, fashion and play the game they love … in fashion sports attire playing and in high heels sore event. Kathy Fields’ Gen G Pickleball is revolutionizing the sport by offering a line of gear and apparel specifically designed for women who want to look and feel confident on the court. With a blend of fashion and functionality, Kathy Fields’ Gen G Pickleball is empowering women to embrace pickleball as a fun and social activity while staying true to their personal style.

Key Takeaways:

  • Kathy Fields‘ Gen G Pickleball promotes a lifestyle of gear and apparel designed for active, fashionable Gen G women.
  • Pickleball and fashion can go hand in hand, allowing women to express their style while playing the sport.
  • Gen G Pickleball empowers Gen G women to embrace pickleball as a fun and social activity.
  • The gear and apparel cornerstoned by Kathy Fields’ Gen G Pickleball blend fashion and functionality.

What is Pickleball and Why is it Popular Among Gen G?

Pickleball is a popular racquet sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. It is played on a smaller court with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes. The game’s unique rules and accessibility have contributed to its widespread appeal among Gen G.

A Gen G couple playing an intense game of Pickleball

A Gen G couple playing an intense game of Pickleball

Benefits of Playing Pickleball for Gen G Adults

Pickleball offers numerous benefits to older adults, making it an ideal sport for Gen G to stay active and engaged. The physical and mental advantages of playing pickleball include:

  • Improved cardiovascular health: Pickleball provides an aerobic workout that helps Gen Gs maintain a healthy heart and improve circulation.
  • Joint mobility: The low-impact nature of pickleball can help Gen Gs maintain flexibility and range of motion in their joints.
  • Coordination and balance: Playing pickleball requires hand-eye coordination and balance, helping seniors enhance these skills.
  • Social interaction: Pickleball is a social sport that encourages interaction and camaraderie among players, promoting mental well-being and reducing social isolation.
Gen G Friend of Kathy Fields Killing it in Pickleball

Gen G Friend of Kathy Fields Killing it in Pickleball

Pickleball Gear and Equipment for Gen G Players

Gen G  pickleball players can benefit from using specific gear and equipment designed to enhance their playing experience. Some essential pickleball gear for seniors includes:

  • Lightweight paddles:Gen Gs -friendly paddles are designed to reduce strain and fatigue, allowing for longer playing sessions.
  • Ankle support pickleball shoes: Shoes with ankle support can provide stability and help prevent injuries while playing pickleball.
  • Pickleballs Balls with a softer composition can be easier to hit and control for Gen Gs, reducing the risk of injury.
  • Pickleball bags and gear storage: Convenient storage solutions can help seniors organize and transport their pickleball gear to and from the court.

How to Stay Mobile and Agile with Pickleball

Mobility and agility are essential for pickleball players, regardless of age.Gen Gscan incorporate the following strategies into their pickleball routine to stay mobile and agile on the court:

  • Stretching exercises: Performing stretching exercises before and after pickleball sessions can help improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Cardiovascular exercise: Engaging in regular cardiovascular exercise, such as brisk walking or swimming, can improve overall fitness and endurance on the pickleball court.
  • Strength training: Strengthening exercises targeting the muscles used in pickleball, such as the arms, legs, and core, can enhance power and stability.
  • Agility drills: Incorporating agility drills, such as ladder drills or lateral movements, can improve quickness and responsiveness on the court.
Kathy Fields’ Gen G Pickleball: Embracing the Sport for Active Women


Playing pickleball offers seniors a fun and engaging way to stay active, socialize, and improve their physical and mental well-being. By investing in the right gear and equipment and incorporating mobility and agility exercises into their routine, seniors can enjoy the benefits of pickleball for years to come.

Essential Tips for Playing Pickleball Safely and Effectively

When it comes to playing pickleball, safety should always be a top priority. By following some essential tips and guidelines, you can ensure an enjoyable and injury-free experience on the court. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, these safety tips will help you stay safe and play pickleball effectively.

Avoiding Common Pickleball Injuries

  1. One of the keys to playing pickleball safely is to avoid common injuries that can occur during gameplay. Here are some tips to help prevent pickleball injuries:
  • Warm up properly before playing to prepare your muscles and joints.
  • Use proper technique and form when hitting the ball to avoid strain or sprain injuries.
  • Wear protective gear, such as knee pads and wrist guards, to prevent injuries from accidental falls.

Stay hydrated and take breaks when needed to avoid exhaustion or overheating.

Improving Mental Health Through Pickleball

Playing pickleball not only benefits your physical health but also promotes mental well-being. Engaging in regular pickleball sessions can help reduce stress, improve focus, and boost cognitive function. The social aspect of pickleball also provides opportunities for social interaction and connection, which can enhance overall mental health and happiness.

Active Gen G Couple Playing Pickle Ball

Active Gen G Couple Playing Pickle Ball

Understanding the Non-Volley Zone in Pickleball

The non-volley zone, also commonly known as the “kitchen,” is an area near the net with specific rules and restrictions. To ensure fair play and avoid penalties, it is crucial to understand and abide by the non-volley zone rules. Here are a few key points about the non-volley zone:

  1. Volleys, where the ball is hit in the air before bouncing, are not allowed within the non-volley zone.
  2. Players cannot enter the non-volley zone to hit a volley unless the ball has bounced outside the zone.
  3. Stepping into the non-volley zone while hitting a volley will result in a fault and the opposing team gaining a point.

By familiarizing yourself with the rules of the non-volley zone, you can avoid penalties and play pickleball successfully.

Now that you’re equipped with these essential tips, you’ll be able to play pickleball safely, improve your mental well-being, and navigate the non-volley zone with confidence. Enjoy the game!

Embracing Pickleball: A Low-Impact, Social Activity for Women

Pickleball is not only a low-impact activity but also a social sport that fosters connections and friendships. Women can embrace pickleball as a fun and active way to socialize while enjoying the physical and mental benefits it offers.

Kathy Fields: Fashionable Pickleball and Apre Pickleball High Heels

Kathy Fields has brought fashion into pickleball with her stylish gear and apparel, including athletic skirts and Apre Pickleball  high-heel fash footwear. Through her innovative designs, she has made pickleball a fashionable activity for women, allowing them to express their personal style on court  while showing style  off the court.

The Cognitive and Cardiovascular Benefits of Pickleball

Playing pickleball can improve cognitive function, promoting mental acuity and memory. Engaging in the strategic aspect of the game enhances focus and problem-solving skills. Additionally, pickleball provides cardiovascular exercise, helping to strengthen the heart and improve overall fitness.

Engaging in Pickleball After 50: Community Events and Leagues

Women over 50 can engage in pickleball through community events and leagues, which offer opportunities for friendly competition and camaraderie. These gatherings provide a supportive and inclusive environment for women to connect, make new friends, and enjoy the sport together.

Choosing the Right Pickleball Gear and Apparel

Selecting the Best Pickleball Paddle

When it comes to playing pickleball, choosing the right paddle is crucial for optimal performance. Several factors should be considered when selecting a pickleball paddle, including weight, grip size, and material composition.

Weight: Pickleball paddles come in a variety of weights, ranging from lightweight to heavier options. Lighter paddles are easier to maneuver and allow for quicker reaction times, making them ideal for players who value speed and agility. On the other hand, heavier paddles provide more power and stability, which can benefit players who prioritize control and strength.

Grip Size: It’s important to choose a paddle with a grip size that feels comfortable in your hand. The right grip size will allow for a secure hold and prevent the paddle from slipping during intense gameplay. Measure your hand size to determine the appropriate grip size for your paddle.

Material Composition: Pickleball paddles are typically made from materials such as graphite, composite, or wood. Graphite paddles are lightweight, durable, and offer excellent control. Composite paddles combine various materials to provide a balanced combination of power and control. Wood paddles, although less common, offer a traditional feel and are suitable for recreational players.

By considering these factors and possibly trying out different paddle options, you can find the one that suits your playing style and preferences.

Active Gen G Kathy Fields Poising with Pickle Ball Fashion

Active Gen G Kathy Fields Poising with Pickle Ball Fashion

Pickleball Player Essentials: Equipment and Apparel

Aside from a quality paddle, there are several other essential pieces of equipment and apparel that every pickleball player should have:

  1. Pickleball Balls: Stock up on pickleball balls to ensure you always have extras for practice sessions and game play. Opt for durable and high-quality balls that provide consistent bounce and performance.
  2. Protective Eyewear: Safety should always be a priority, especially when playing a fast-paced sport like pickleball. Invest in protective eyewear specifically designed for pickleball to safeguard your eyes from potential injuries.
  3. Comfortable Clothing: Choose comfortable and breathable clothing that allows for ease of movement on the court. Look for moisture-wicking materials that help keep you dry and cool during intense matches.

By having these essentials in your pickleball gear bag, you’ll be prepared for enjoyable and safe gameplay, no matter the conditions.


Community and Social Aspect of Competitive Pickleball

Competitive pickleball extends beyond the physical aspect of the game, providing players with opportunities to connect, engage in friendly competition, and foster a sense of community. Tournaments, leagues, and social events are popular in the pickleball world, bringing players together and creating lasting friendships. Participating in these events allows players to showcase their skills, challenge themselves, and form connections with fellow enthusiasts.

Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the pickleball community, embracing the social aspect of competitive pickleball can enhance your overall experience and provide a supportive network of like-minded individuals who share your passion for the sport.

Pickleball Fashion

Pickleball fashion has evolved to offer players stylish and trendy options that combine functionality with personal style. Gone are the days of mundane athletic attire on the pickleball court. Today, players can express their individuality and show off their fashion sense while playing the sport they love.

Athletic dresses and skirts are popular choices among female pickleball players, offering comfort, movement, and a touch of femininity. Wristbands are not only practical for wiping away sweat but also serve as fashionable accessories. Additionally, pickleball shoe brands understand the importance of style, offering modern designs and colors that complement players’ outfits.

Active Gen G Kathy Fields Playing Pickle Ball

Active Gen G Couple Playing Pickle Ball

With the wide range of pickleball fashion options available, players can feel confident and showcase their unique sense of style while competing on the court.


In conclusion, Kathy Fields’ Gen G Pickleball has revolutionized the sport of pickleball for active, fashionable women who want to play in high style, even in high heels. By combining fashion and functionality, Kathy Fields has created a line of pickleball gear and apparel that empowers women to embrace the sport with confidence and flair. Whether it’s stylish pickleball paddles or athletic footwear with high-heel stability, Gen G Pickleball offers women the opportunity to look and feel their best on the court.

Pickleball is more than just a sport; it offers numerous benefits for players of all ages. Notably, it provides a low-impact workout that promotes physical fitness without putting excessive strain on the body. Additionally, pickleball offers a social aspect that allows players to connect and build friendships, contributing to mental well-being and a sense of community.

Choosing the right gear and apparel is crucial to enhancing performance and enjoyment of the sport. With the innovative offerings from Kathy Fields and other pickleball brands, players can find equipment and clothing that align with their personal style and preferences. From lightweight paddles to trendy athletic dresses, pickleball fashion has evolved to cater to the needs of active women who want to look their best while engaging in the sport they love.

As pickleball continues to grow in popularity, now is the perfect time to embrace this exciting sport and make it a part of a healthy and fashionable lifestyle. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Kathy Fields’ Gen G Pickleball is here to inspire and empower active women everywhere.


What is Pickleball and Why is it Popular Among Seniors?

Pickleball is a racquet sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. It is popular among seniors due to its low-impact nature and social aspects, providing a fun and accessible form of exercise and recreation.

What are the Benefits of Playing Pickleball for Older Adults?

Playing pickleball offers numerous benefits for older adults, including improved cardiovascular health, joint mobility, coordination, and mental well-being. It also provides opportunities for socialization and community engagement.

What Pickleball Gear and Equipment are Suitable for Senior Players?

Senior players can invest in lightweight pickleball paddles, pickleball shoes with ankle support, and other gear specifically designed for their needs. This includes pickleball balls, protective eyewear, and comfortable clothing that allows for ease of movement.

How can Older Adults Stay Mobile and Agile with Pickleball?

To stay mobile and agile in pickleball, seniors can incorporate specific exercises and training techniques into their routine. This may include flexibility exercises, footwork drills, and strategies to improve overall agility and mobility on the court.

What are the Essential Tips for Playing Pickleball Safely and Effectively?

To play pickleball safely and effectively, it is important to warm up properly, use the correct technique, and wear protective gear. Understanding the rules and guidelines, particularly those related to the non-volley zone, or “kitchen,” is also crucial for fair play and avoiding penalties.

How can Pickleball Help Improve Mental Health?

Pickleball provides significant mental health benefits, helping players reduce stress, improve focus, boost cognitive function, and promote overall mental well-being. Engaging in a social and physical activity like pickleball can have positive effects on mental acuity and memory.

What is the Role of Fashion in Pickleball, and How Does Kathy Fields Inspire Fashionable Pickleball?

Fashion has become an integral part of pickleball, with players looking to express their personal style on the court. Kathy Fields’ Gen G Pickleball offers a line of stylish gear and apparel, including athletic skirts and high-heel athletic footwear technology, empowering women to play pickleball in high style.

What are the Cognitive and Cardiovascular Benefits of Pickleball?

Playing pickleball provides cognitive benefits, improving mental acuity, focus, and memory. It also offers cardiovascular exercise, helping to strengthen the heart, improve cardiovascular health, and enhance overall fitness levels.

How can Women Over 50 Engage in Pickleball through Community Events and Leagues?

Women over 50 can engage in pickleball through community events and leagues, which provide opportunities for friendly competition, camaraderie, and socializing. These events and leagues offer a supportive environment for active women to enjoy pickleball and connect with others who share their passion for the sport.

What Factors should be Considered in Choosing the Right Pickleball Gear and Apparel?

When choosing pickleball gear and apparel, factors such as paddle weight, grip size, material composition, and comfort should be considered. Additionally, it is important to have essential equipment and apparel, including pickleball balls, protective eyewear, and comfortable clothing that allows for ease of movement on the court.

What is the Community and Social Aspect of Competitive Pickleball?

Competitive pickleball has a strong community and social aspect, providing opportunities for players to connect, participate in tournaments, and join leagues. These events and communities foster a sense of camaraderie and provide avenues for players to improve their skills and compete at higher levels.

What is the Role of Fashion in Pickleball?

Fashion has become an integral part of pickleball, with players embracing stylish gear and apparel that allows them to express their personal style on the court. Pickleball fashion includes athletic dresses, skirts, and wristbands that combine functionality with trendy designs, enabling players to look stylish while enjoying the sport.

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  1. Sandra

    great overview. Looking at the Amazon Pickleball fashion links you provided

    • Kathy Fields

      Yes.. love Pickleball.. VERY popular in Palm Desert

  2. SusanGiovanni

    Just looking to start Pickleball with my retired husband and a few single friends .. thx for the write up.. any advice?

    • Kathy Fields

      Thx Sue,
      All about staying healthy and having fun. Found a number of PickleBall fashion in my links

  3. Amanda

    Thank you Kathy. I just received my first PickleBall Designer Outfit from Amazon try and buy. My husband loves it!
    Not bad for a Gen G 60+

  4. Tammy

    Great Blog! I am in Gen G age and will not stop pursuing fashion and travel and high heels.
    Don’t stop believing!

    • Kathy Fields

      Thank you Tammy for the wonderful comments. There are several of our “Gen G Cougars “ working on this blog.. so much to write about!

  5. Cat

    Love your Pickleball Blog. Beautiful picts and hostess.

    • Kathy Fields

      Thanks for the wonderful comment. My husband had done quite a bit of work on this site. He deserves some credit.



  1. Scottsdale in High Heels for an Over 50s Dream Vacation, Golf, resorts, world-class, restaurants, romance in high heels - […] Kathy Fields’ Gen G Pickleball: Embracing the Sport for Active, Fashionable Women in High Heels […]

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