Kathy Fields

Embrace the Italian heritage & California lifestyle. Retire never, live every day forever!

Kathy Fields’ European First Date: A Romantic Journey in High Heels with Doug Fields

by | Jun 29, 2024 | California, France, UnitedStates, WestCoast | 2 comments

Get ready for an incredible story! I’m Kathy Fields, and I can’t wait to share my first European date with you. Imagine a lively 40-year-old woman (me) travelling across Europe with a charming tech exec, Doug Fields. It was like our love for fashion brought us together!

Our first bus trip in London

Our adventure began with a thrilling start. Doug had three weeks of business in London. Invited me and went. We visited London, Paris, Venice, Lake Como, and the stunning Riviera over four weeks. Preparing for this trip was an adventure itself. I packed like Nancy Sinatra, more shoes than clothes. After all, a girl needs choices, right?

Arriving in London, I felt the specialness of our first date. It was truly magical. Doug and I explored everything, from shopping in Oxford Street to theatre nights.

And Paris was full of romance, with strolls by the Seine in my favorite Manolos1. The real magic happened in Italy. We enjoyed Venice’s canals, Lake Como’s peace, and the Riviera’s elegance. In Cannes, I even got to enjoy a Bond girl moment in a red Ferrari (thank you, Doug!).

Picture from outside a club in Cairns France

But our trip was more than beautiful places and fancy shoes. It was about love, confidence, and late-but-great romances. So, for all my Gen G readers, remember this: Life is for exciting shoes and taking chances!

Key Takeaways

  • Age is just a number when it comes to love and adventure
  • Packing smart means prioritizing fabulous footwear
  • European cities offer the perfect backdrop for romance
  • Confidence is key in both fashion and relationships
  • Embracing spontaneity can lead to unforgettable experiences
  • High heels can be both stylish and empowering
  • It’s never too late to find love and embark on new adventures

Introduction: Setting the Stage for a Whirlwind Romance

Imagine a stylish fashion influencer over 50. She’s off to Europe with a handsome tech exec. That’s me, Kathy Fields, and my love, Doug. We’re ready to show everyone what a chic older couple looks like.

One of our favorite places in London

·Meet Kathy Fields

Turning over 50  hasn’t slowed me down.2. I prove every day that you can be stylish at any age. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3jyLRJhyKE

Doug Fields: Charming Suitor with a Grand Plan

Doug, my modern-day Prince Charming, surprised me with a trip to Europe. This journey is made for active adults like us. I can’t wait to see where it takes us.

Packing for the Trip: Shoes, Shoes, and More Shoes

Heading to Europe for a month? I’ve got this. My bag is stacked with shoes. I’m feeling very Nancy Sinatra goes to London. I can’t wait to rock a miniskirt across the pond. I’m all about miniskirts, high heels, and stylish headbands. Nights out mean channeling my inner Audrey Hepburn. I’ve got a shoe for every outfit, making sure I’m ready for it all3.

“Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.” – Marilyn Monroe

As I pack, I’m bubbling with excitement. This trip is more than a fashion journey. It’s about new adventures and maybe, a fresh start. Europe, we’re on our way!

London Calling: Two Weeks of Business and Pleasure in the British Capital

Our journey to London started with a lively Business Class flight. Touching down filled me with anticipation. London’s fashion awaited, and I was ready to dive in! London fashion scene exploration

Fashion Frenzy on Oxford Street

Oh, darlings, let me tell you about my fashion escapades on Oxford Street! It was like stepping into a fashionista’s dream, with every storefront calling my name. I strutted down that bustling street in my highest heels, feeling like a true London fashionista. From Selfridges to John Lewis, I left no stone unturned in my quest for the perfect ensemble. I discovered a divine Vivienne Westwood dress that screamed “punk meets posh” – it was love at first sight! Then there was that darling Alexander McQueen clutch that practically jumped into my arms. And don’t even get me started on the Burberry trench coat I found – classic with a twist, just like yours truly. As I flitted from store to store, arms laden with shopping bags, I could feel the envious glances of fellow shoppers. Doug, bless his heart, played the role of personal photographer and bag carrier with admirable patience. By the end of our shopping spree, I had enough new outfits to rival the Queen’s wardrobe. Oxford Street wasn’t just a shopping destination; it was a fashion adventure that left me breathless, exhilarated, and oh-so-stylish!

Cultural Chic: Stepping Through History in Louboutins

Darlings, let me tell you about the day I conquered Westminster Abbey in my red Louboutins. As Doug and I approached the magnificent Gothic structure, I could feel eyes turning our way. The click-clack of my iconic red-soled heels on the ancient cobblestones announced our arrival. Entering the abbey, I felt like I was stepping back in time – but with a fabulous modern twist. The vaulted ceilings soared above us, and I couldn’t help but think that my heels were adding a touch of 21st-century glamour to centuries of tradition.

Westminster Abby

As we strolled past the tombs of kings and queens, I caught the eye of a tour guide, his expression a mix of amusement and admiration. Doug whispered, “Kathy, I think your shoes are louder than the church bells!” I laughed, the sound echoing through the hallowed halls. Who says you can’t appreciate history in high style? We paused at the Coronation Chair, and I couldn’t resist striking a regal pose. As we left the abbey, I felt a sense of connection to all the fashionable women who had walked these halls before me. From medieval ladies in their finery to coronation guests in designer gowns, Westminster Abbey has always been a place where history and style intersect.

Rocking Out with Rod: A Night of Music and Fashion

Let me paint you a picture of that unforgettable night at Wembley Stadium. There I was, Kathy Fields, ready to rock with Rod Stewart in a miniskirt that was shorter than some of his hit singles! This wasn’t just any miniskirt, mind you. It was a shimmering, sequined masterpiece that caught every spotlight in the arena. As Doug and I made our way to our seats, I could feel the eyes of fellow concertgoers following us. Was it my perfectly coiffed blonde hair? My radiant smile? Or perhaps it was the way my long legs seemed to go on for miles in those sky-high stilettos? Whatever it was, I was turning heads faster than Rod could belt out “Maggie May. But the real magic happened after the concert. We were lucky enough to snag invitations to the exclusive after-party, and let me tell you, that’s where my outfit truly shone. As we mingled with the who’s who of London’s music scene, I felt like a rock star in my own right. The miniskirt sparkled under the party lights, drawing admiring glances and compliments from everyone, including some of Rod’s band members! At one point, I even caught Rod himself doing a double-take. Can you blame him? There I was, channeling my inner Nancy Sinatra, looking like I’d stepped right out of the swinging ’60s. As the night wore on, Doug and I danced, laughed, and reveled in the electric atmosphere. It was a night where fashion and music collided in the most fabulous way possible, proving once again that Kathy Fields knows how to make an entrance – and an exit – in style!

Theatrical Thrills

Oh, my dears, our night at the Prince of Wales Theatre for “The Full Monty” was an absolute riot! Picture this: your truly, dressed to the nines in a slinky little number, perched on the edge of my seat as the show unfolded. The anticipation in the air was thicker than my false eyelashes! As the gentlemen on stage began their, ahem, revealing performance, I couldn’t help but let out a few enthusiastic whoops.

Poor Doug, bless his heart, was turning fifty shades of red beside me. But even he couldn’t resist chuckling at the cheeky humor and brilliant performances. During intermission, I sashayed to the bar in my stilettos, turning almost as many heads as the actors on stage. By the end of the show, my sides were aching from laughter, my mascara was slightly smudged from tears of mirth, and Doug was finally relaxed enough to join in the standing ovation. As we left the theatre, arm in arm, still giggling about our favorite scenes, I knew this wasn’t just a show – it was a memory we’d cherish forever. Who knew a bit of theatrical nudity could be such a fabulous date night?

Tea Time Confession

Afternoon tea at The Ritz was a beautiful way to end our visit. Doug shared his feelings, making it a romantic moment. I cherished how special this London trip had been. Our London adventure had to end, but the memories stayed. Fashion, culture, and special moments made it unforgettable. It was the ideal beginning for our European trip4.

Parisian Interlude: A Three-Day Romance in the City of Light

Our ride from London to Paris buzzed with excitement. I wore a classy black dress and pearls like Audrey Hepburn. While we sped past hills and fields, my head filled with dreams. I imagined the Paris of love stories and adventure waiting for us.

Why Do I mention High Heels, it started on our first date in Paris?

In the city of love and lights, my husband Doug and I created unforgettable memories—one step at a time. During our first enchanting month in Paris, I bravely navigated the cobblestone streets in sky-high first stilettos, then wedge sandals, a true testament to fashion over function. Fortunately, my knight with the Nike sneakers came to the rescue, swapping my wedges for tennis shoes, all the while carrying my high heels like precious cargo in his backpack.

Set of heels,in a day pack ready for an evening out

Evening Backpack to carry everything including high heels

Later, at the chic Willi’s Wine Bar, those heels made a triumphant return from the backpack to the pavement, perfectly paired with a designer dress. Ah, Paris… where even a simple change of shoes can lead to a night of magical moments and show-stopping, head-turning legwork! Being shorter and Italian, I will always remember that unforgettable day. And, when making head-turning impressions or unforgettable events, “in high heels.”

Eiffel Tower Dinner Date

Oh, darlings, let me whisk you away to that enchanting first night in Paris! Picture this: Kathy Fields, wrapped in a shimmering Dior gown that caught every glimmer of the City of Lights, ascending the Eiffel Tower with her dashing Doug. As we stepped into the Jules Verne restaurant, the maître d’s eyes widened – was it my outfit or my larger-than-life personality? Probably both! We were seated at a table with a view that made my heart skip a beat. Paris lay before us like a glittering jewel box, and I felt like I was floating above it all in my 5-inch Louboutins.

Doug and Kathy at the Eiffel Tower on a windy day

The champagne flowed as freely as the Seine below, and when the escargot arrived, I attacked them with gusto (and a bit of trepidation – thank goodness for tiny forks!). Doug and I clinked glasses, our eyes locked on each other and then drawn back to the mesmerizing view.

As the evening progressed, the city’s lights twinkled ever brighter, as if Paris itself was celebrating our romance. When dessert arrived – a decadent chocolate soufflé – I thought I might burst from happiness. Or perhaps it was the snug fit of my dress after such a sumptuous meal! As we reluctantly left our perch in the sky, I knew this wasn’t just dinner – it was the beginning of our Parisian love affair. And darling, what a stylish affair it would be!

Kathy Fields at the Eiffel Tower in a Designer Fashion Outfit

Kathy Fields at the Eiffel Tower in wedges

Strolling Along the Seine

The next day, we decided to walk around. Trying to walk in 5-inch heels brought laughter and a new nickname from Doug. Despite the challenge, I refused to let go of my charm. We enjoyed every step together.

Louvre Museum

The Louvre wasn’t just a museum – it was my runway! As we sashayed through the grand halls, my Chanel heels click-clacking on the polished floors, I felt like I was part of the art. The Mona Lisa may have her enigmatic smile, but she had nothing on my showstopping ensemble that day! The Louvre Museum, an iconic symbol of art and culture, left us in awe with its vast collection of masterpieces. We wandered through its grand halls, marveling at works like the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo. The sheer scale and beauty of the museum made it an unforgettable experience, blending art with the rich history of Paris.

Sacré-Cœur Basilica

Perched atop Montmartre, the Sacré-Cœur Basilica offered breathtaking views of Paris. The stunning white dome and intricate architecture drew us in, while the serene interior provided a moment of peace and reflection. Our visit to this majestic basilica was a spiritual highlight of our Parisian adventure.

The Latin Quarter

The Latin Quarter, with its bohemian charm and vibrant atmosphere, was perfect for leisurely strolls and café hopping. We explored narrow, winding streets lined with bookshops, boutiques, and lively bistros. This historic neighborhood’s eclectic mix of old-world charm and modern vibrancy made it a delightful part of our journey.

Kathy wearing tennis shoes and a big smile, and Doug carrying a leather backpack with high heels sticking out

Catacombs of Paris

Venturing into the Catacombs of Paris, we descended into a world of eerie fascination. The underground ossuaries, filled with neatly arranged bones, told a hauntingly beautiful story of the city’s past. This unique and somewhat macabre experience added a touch of mystery to our exploration of Paris.

Place Vendôme

Place Vendôme, a symbol of luxury and elegance, dazzled us with its stunning architecture and high-end boutiques. Surrounded by iconic fashion houses and jewelers, we indulged in some window shopping and admired the opulent surroundings. This grand square epitomized Parisian sophistication and style.

River Seine

The River Seine, winding gracefully through the heart of Paris, provided the perfect backdrop for our romantic walks. We enjoyed leisurely boat rides, taking in the city’s landmarks from a unique perspective. Whether strolling along its banks or cruising its waters, the Seine added a timeless charm to our Parisian experience.

Fashion Pilgrimage

A private tour of Coco Chanel’s apartment on Rue Cambon stood out. Stepping into her world felt profound. Her simple yet stylish designs made me think about my own fashion choices.

stand up, touring a private apartment in Paris

Our Paris journey combined romance, exploring, and some high couture. As we left the City of Light, I was sure our brief adventure was etched in my heart5.

Back to London: Wrapping Up Two Weeks of British Adventures

Our time in London was almost over, but we weren’t ready to slow down. Doug and I soaked up the city’s energy, enjoying our final days. We explored every corner, making our British journey unforgettable.

West End Theatre Experiences

Our last adventures began with London’s famed West End shows. The air was full of excitement in the theatre district. From comedies to dramas, the shows were spellbinding. We felt alive with the thrill of live performance6. West End theatre experiences

Designer Shopping on Oxford Street

Oxford Street’s shopping was too tempting to pass up. The famous stretch is a haven for all things stylish. I treated myself to some elegant pieces. These mementos would remind me of our wonderful trip.

Rocking Out with Rod: A Night of Music and Fashion

Darlings, let me paint you a picture of that unforgettable night at Wembley Stadium. There I was, Kathy Fields, ready to rock with Rod Stewart in a miniskirt that was shorter than some of his hit singles! This wasn’t just any miniskirt, mind you.

It was a shimmering, sequined masterpiece that caught every spotlight in the arena. As Doug and I made our way to our seats, I could feel the eyes of fellow concertgoers following us.

Was it my perfectly coiffed blonde hair? My radiant smile? Or perhaps it was the way my long legs seemed to go on for miles in those sky-high stilettos? Whatever it was, I was turning heads faster than Rod could belt out “Maggie May.”

But the real magic happened after the concert. We were lucky enough to snag invitations to the exclusive after-party, and let me tell you, that’s where my outfit truly shone. As we mingled with the who’s who of London’s music scene, I felt like a rock star in my own right. The miniskirt sparkled under the party lights, drawing admiring glance.

It was a night where fashion and music collided in the most fabulous way possible, proving once again that Kathy Fields knows how to make an entrance – and an exit – in style!

Packing for the Next Leg

Our next travel step made Doug and me focus on our luggage. I chose outfits with care, eager for the next events. In my suitcase, fancy heels stood out. They seemed ready for the charming streets we’d soon stroll7.

“A woman with good shoes is never in a bad place.” – Coco Chanel

As we got our bags ready, I felt both joy and a bit of sadness. London marked the start of our journey together. I was excited about where love and travel would take us next8.

Venetian Rhapsody: Love Blooms on the Canals of Venice

Our journey from London to Venice on Volare Airlines was exciting. The mood was made romantic by Doug’s soft humming. We finally arrived at the Grand Canal Venice, a breathtaking palazzo.

Mornings in Elegance

Starting each day in luxury, I wore a silk robe and soft slippers. We drank espresso on our balcony, watching gondolas pass. It felt like we were in a classic Italian movie.

Gondola Adventures

Our gondola ride attire was perfect. I felt like Sophia Loren, and Doug tried to take photos. It was almost a disaster but ended in laughter and kisses.

Piazza San Marco: Cafe Culture and Couture

Sipping espresso at Caffè Florian in Piazza San Marco, we felt part of Venetian tradition. My Louboutins clicked on the stones as we navigated pigeons and tourists. I may have caused a stir trying to recreate a Venice Biennale pose in front of the Basilica.

Murano Glass Factory: Blowing Glass and Minds

The Murano glass factory was fascinating. I fell in love with a chandelier but settled for glass earrings due to luggage restrictions.

Who knew watching glassblowing could be so captivating?

Gondola Ride: Romance on the Canals

Our gondola ride was magical. Antonio serenaded us through narrow canals. I insisted on standing for the perfect selfie, nearly tipping us over. As the sun set, I knew Venice had stolen my heart – and challenged my balance.

The Grand Canal: Venice’s Liquid Runway

Cruising down the Grand Canal was like gliding through a living postcard, with magnificent palazzos lining this S-shaped waterway that forms the beating heart of Venice. From our vaporetto, I felt like a movie star on a floating red carpet, striking poses at every turn while Doug kept a firm grip on my Gucci handbag as I leaned precariously over the edge for that perfect shot.

Wandering Venice

We walked around Venice, hand-in-hand, often getting lost in the small streets. Tasting gelato, we enjoyed pistachio and chocolate. We found quiet places for special moments.

Activity Highlight
Gondola Ride Sophia Loren inspired poses
Exploring Venice Gelato tasting adventures
Hotel Stay Balcony views of Grand Canal

Venice enchanted us. Its beauty and romance made our bond stronger. Walking across bridges, I knew I was falling deeply for Doug and for Venice9.

Lake Como: Serenity and Style in the Italian Lakes

Our adventure in Lake Como began as we reached a beautiful villa. I felt glamorous, wearing sunglasses like Grace Kelly and a stylish headscarf. The lake shone in the sun, making a perfect view.

Exploring Bellagio’s Charm

Our first exploration was Bellagio, the “Pearl of the Lake.” It’s famous for its handmade shoes. There, I found beautiful Italian leather heels. The village’s cobblestone streets and bright buildings were stunning. Walking around, we stopped at cafes and shops. Everything looked like a scene from a postcard. I will transport you to the enchanting streets of Bellagio, the true gem of Lake Como! Picture your favorite fashionista (moi, of course) stepping off a sleek wooden boat onto the cobblestone streets, my designer sunglasses glinting in the Italian sun. Bellagio isn’t just a town; it’s a fashion runway waiting to happen! As we meandered through the narrow, winding alleys, each step was a delightful discovery. The aroma of fresh espresso mingled with the scent of leather – a heavenly combination that led me straight to shoe paradise. In a quaint boutique, tucked away from the tourist hustle, I found my heart’s desire: a pair of handcrafted Italian leather heels that made my feet sing! The artisan, a charming silver-haired gentleman, explained the tradition behind each stitch as I tried on pair after exquisite pair. Doug, bless him, stood by patiently, only raising an eyebrow when I declared I needed them all. In the end, I settled on a stunning pair of cherry-red stilettos – perfect for strutting along the lakeside promenade. We celebrated my new acquisition with gelato by the water’s edge, the sun setting over the lake, painting the sky in hues that matched my new shoes. As I balanced precariously on the dock for that perfect Instagram shot, I knew that Bellagio had stolen a piece of my heart – and expanded my shoe collection in the most fabulous way possible

Romantic Sunset Cruise

In the evening, Doug surprised me with a sunset cruise. We drank champagne and ate fresh strawberries. The sunset made the villas and mountains look magical. Watching the sunset, I felt perfectly happy. This trip to Lake Como was more than luxury. It was a journey of love with Doug. I knew it was special with him10.

Ligurian Riviera and Portofino: Coastal Chic on the Italian Seaside

Entering the Ligurian Riviera felt like walking into a beautiful postcard. This part of the Italian coast mixes elegant style with stunning nature11.

Portofina Could be a painting

Santa Margherita: A Colorful Love Affair

Santa Margherita captured my heart with its bright buildings and tasty seafood.

Our hotel with a nice well-managed beach

Walking in the town, wearing my best stilettos, I enjoyed the colorful view. I loved the local trattoria’s branzino, which was grilled perfectly. Italian Riviera coastal chic

Portofino Adventures: Living the High Life

In Portofino, we lived out a dream. We relaxed on a yacht, drinking Aperol spritz by the coast. The sea’s blue waters shined as we soaked up the sun.

hey Harper in the Italian Riviera with Kathy

Enjoying a spa day with my partner was the highlight – our massages overlooked the sparkling sea12.

Cliffside Dining: Romance with a View

Dining by the cliffs was the most romantic moment of our trip. We watched the sun go down, turning the sky pink and orange. Doug and I celebrated our journey with a meal of seafood risotto and local wine13. This part of Italy deeply touched me. Its mix of style, natural beauty, and great food is why I travel. Leaving the Ligurian Riviera was hard, but I know we’ll come back to make more memories.

French Riviera: Glitz, Glamour, and Romance in Cannes

Arriving in Cannes felt like walking onto a movie set. The excitement from the film festival still filled the air. We enjoyed the view from our rooftop, admiring the stunning coast.

Wonderful!  stepping into Cannes was like entering a glamorous dream! The moment we arrived, I could feel the lingering buzz from the film festival electrifying the air. Our hotel, a vision of luxury, welcomed us with champagne – how else would one arrive in Cannes? The rooftop pool became our personal oasis, offering breathtaking views of the sparkling Côte d’Azur.

Every morning, I’d saunter down to the Promenade de la Croisette in my most fabulous sundress and oversized sunglasses, feeling every inch the movie star. We’d lounge on striped beach chairs, sipping cocktails and watching the beautiful people stroll by. One afternoon, Doug surprised me with a ride in a cherry-red Ferrari – talk about making an entrance! As we zoomed along the coastal roads, wind in my hair (goodbye, perfect coif!), I felt like I was living in my own Bond film.

The original hotel in Cannes

Evenings in Cannes were a whirlwind of glittering parties and moonlit walks on the beach. Dressed in a slinky Versace number that caught every eye, we danced under the stars at a beachfront club. The French Riviera wasn’t just a destination; it was a lifestyle – one of unapologetic luxury and romance that suited me perfectly. Cannes, darling, you had me at “bonjour”!

Red Ferrari Surprise

Doug surprised me with a red Ferrari for our drives along the coast. I felt like a Bond girl. With the wind in my hair, we drove the scenic roads, feeling famous. Red Ferrari coastal drive French Riviera

Island Adventures

We found hidden coves and beaches, even hiking in high heels. My shoes weren’t great for the rough trails, but I wanted to keep my style. Those beautiful sights were worth it all!

Cannes After Dark

Cannes nightlife was amazing. We attended glamorous parties and met important people. Walking on the beach under the moonlight became our special way to end each wonderful day.

Activity Experience Glamour Level
Red Ferrari Drive Exhilarating 5/5
Hiking in Miniskirt Challenging but Chic 4/5
Rooftop Pool Luxurious 5/5
Nightlife Vibrant 5/5

Our adventure in Cannes was filled with luxury and love. It felt like a movie, mixing romance with excitement and lots of elegance. The French Riviera captured our hearts, just like we did with each other14.

The Journey Home: Reflecting on a Whirlwind Romance

We were on the Eurostar from London to Paris, headed back home. Doug and I shared stories, amazed by our adventure. The train ride was like a movie of our quick love story, with every scene reminding us of a special time.

Eurostar Reflections

The Eurostar ride was as smooth as our love story’s start. We giggled about our fun in Paris, and how I struggled on the cobblestones in my Manolos.

Original Euro-Star picture in London

We also remembered the amazing dinner on the Eiffel Tower. Our love had grown strong in the enchanting European cities.

Doug and Kathy Fields in London

Doug and Kathy Fields arrive in London

Business Class Bliss

Our flight to San Francisco was just as luxurious. In business class, I took off my shoes and cuddled with Doug. The soothing flight felt as cozy as our new relationship.

Touchdown and New Beginnings

Arriving in San Francisco, we knew real life was starting again. But it felt exciting, not sad. Our romance had seen beautiful places like Venice and Lake Como. Now, it was time for the real world.

“This trip wasn’t just a vacation, Doug. It was the start of our love story.”

As we landed, love stories filled our thoughts. Doug’s touch and promising look made me certain. Our European journey was just the beginning. Love, we realized, knows no limits. Not even at 35,000 feet over the Atlantic15.

Conclusion: Love, Life, and Lessons in Stilettos

It’s been twenty years since Doug and I took off on our European adventure. I’m still in love with him as much as I was then. Our trip taught us about love, self-confidence, and how to fully enjoy life. In Paris, every step we took felt more elegant in our high heels16.

Reflecting on Our European First Date Extravaganza

Looking back, I see how our journey helped our relationship and us grow. We visited famous places like the Louvre and walked along the Champs-Élysées. I cherish those memories, especially the ones made in my favorite stilettos16. We learned that first impressions and dating in Europe are quite different from the U.S.

Lessons Learned: Love at Any Age

Our adventure showed us that age doesn’t limit love. Even in our 50s, I felt good and looked stylish in high heels. This shows that being fashionable is not just for the young. It’s more about confidence. This confidence helped us enjoy our dates to the fullest17.

Message to Gen G Readers

To all my Gen G readers: love, travel, and great shoes are always within reach. Step out and try new things. Paris opens the door to Europe, providing chances for romantic getaways and amazing experiences18. Don’t forget your heels, polish your dating game, and begin your love tale. You’ll be surprised where it takes you!


What inspired Kathy’s packing strategy for the European adventure?

Kathy chose shoes over clothes for her Europe trip. She wanted to look like Nancy Sinatra. This choice made her adventures stylish across Europe.

How did Kathy and Doug’s London adventure begin?

Kathy and Doug started with Doug’s business trip. They had fun shopping on Oxford Street. They also saw Westminster Abbey, walking around in red Louboutins.

What memorable experience did Kathy and Doug have in Paris?

In Paris, they had a fancy dinner at the Eiffel Tower. They ate escargot and drank champagne. Kathy saw Coco Chanel’s apartment too, after a nice private tour.

How did Kathy and Doug embrace the Venetian lifestyle?

Venice found them at a Grand Canal hotel. They began days enjoying the view in silk robes and slippers. They rode gondolas, mimicking movie star Sophia Loren’s poses.

What activities did Kathy and Doug enjoy at Lake Como?

They went around Lake Como’s pretty towns. In Bellagio, they bought handmade leather shoes. A romantic cruise with champagne and strawberries showed them how happy they were together.

How did Kathy and Doug experience the Italian Riviera?

In the Riviera, they admired Santa Margherita’s bright homes and tasty seafood. At Portofino, they relaxed on yachts and had Aperol spritzes. Gentle spa days and a dinner overlooking the sea topped off their visit.

What made Kathy and Doug’s time in Cannes so glamorous?

In Cannes, Doug gave Kathy an amazing surprise, a red Ferrari. They drove along the coast like in a James Bond film. They visited private beaches and enjoyed fancy parties. Kathy even hiked in her espadrilles. They loved their moonlit walks along the beach.

How did Kathy and Doug reflect on their journey upon returning home?

Returning, Kathy and Doug sat in Business Class together. Kathy took off her shoes and snuggled with Doug. They knew their adventure was only the start of their love story.

Source Links

  1. Discover Parisian Romance Fashion and Style in High Heels: The Ultimate Guide for Couples – Kathy Fields Info, a Gen G, Golden Retirement Lifestyle blog – https://kathyfields.info/discover-parisian-romance-the-ultimate-guide-for-couples/
  2. John Prine — Essays — Holly Gleason – https://www.hollygleason.com/essays/tag/John Prine
  3. Weekly Blog Post: – https://highheeledwheels.com/weekly-blog-post/
  4. PDF – https://www.cardozohigh.com/ourpages/auto/2022/6/1/58173121/Title – Hidden Figures.pdf
  5. PDF – https://knowledge.uchicago.edu/record/2678/files/Victor_uchicago_0330D_15489.pdf
  6. What’s a Good Dating Uniform, and Other Reader Questions | Cup of Jo – https://cupofjo.com/2024/04/02/whats-a-good-first-date-uniform-and-other-reader-questions/
  7. The Fever Tree Hunt – 99% Invisible – https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/the-fever-tree-hunt/transcript/
  8. Why I Let My 9-Year-Old Ride the Subway Alone – https://freerangekids.wordpress.com/2008/04/06/why-i-let-my-9-year-old-ride-the-subway-alone/
  9. PDF – https://www.bsnpubs.com/rca/rca/57 – Camden.pdf
  10. mymindtravels – https://mymindtravels.wordpress.com/
  11. blog – lensi designs Photography – https://lensidesigns.com/portfolio-items/blog/
  12. Plain text – https://theses.cz/id/6pfteu/Kryptoanaly_za/bin/LangStats/english/topwords.txt
  13. Reviews 2022 – grapelive.com – https://www.grapelive.com/new-reviews-5/
  14. The Glitzy Glamour Glitter Girls: Drag Queens,Visual Ethnography and the Ciné Photo-essay – https://www.academia.edu/41779041/The_Glitzy_Glamour_Glitter_Girls_Drag_Queens_Visual_Ethnography_and_the_Ciné_Photo_essay
  15. I started dating while I was unemployed and felt insecure. I created a strategy to help myself feel more confident. – https://ca.news.yahoo.com/started-dating-while-unemployed-felt-094102955.html
  16. Embark on a romantic journey in Paris as you navigate through the bustling streets & charming cafes – https://kathyfields.info/discovering-love-in-the-city-of-lights-how-high-heels-and-romance-go-hand-in-hand/
  17. The hem that can’t make up its mind… – https://www.jungleredwriters.com/2014/07/the-hem-that-cant-make-up-its-mind.html
  18. Discover Romantic Day Trips from Paris in High Heels by Train in 2024 – Kathy Fields Info, a Gen G, Golden Retirement Lifestyle blog – https://kathyfields.info/discover-the-best-day-trips-from-paris-by-train-in-2024-3/
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  1. Mari

    Great love story, planes trains, boats and … love it

    • Kathy Fields

      Thank you. Great memories


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